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ANNIS Metadata

Coptic_edition: Lacau 1904
Trismegistos: none
annotation: Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder
author: unknown
collection: Manuscrits coptes
corpus: lament.mary
country: Egypt
document_cts_urn: urn:cts:copticLit:misc.lament_mary.lacau_ed:63-67
idno: 129/17 f. 37
language: Sahidic Coptic
license: CC-BY 4.0
msName: CM.5139
note: Coptic follows Lacau's transcription. Chapter divisions follow paragraph breaks in Mingana's translation of the full literary work. No CMCL manuscript siglum exists for this codex, so the MsName is the CLM number in PATHS. Coptic Scriptorium thanks Tony Burke and Alin Suciu for help with identifying this manuscript.
objectType: codex
ocr: automatic
order: 2
origPlace: White Monastery
pages_from: 59
pages_to: 60
parsing: automatic
paths_authors: none
paths_manuscripts: 5139
paths_works: 1183
placeName: Atripe
previous: urn:cts:copticLit:misc.lament_mary.lacau_ed:55-58
project: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM
redundant: no
repository: Paris Bibliothéque Nationale
segmentation: checked
source: Lacau 1904
source_info: OCR of Lacau pdf on Hathitrust using OCR4all
tagging: automatic
title: Lament of Mary CM.5139 part 2
translation: none
version_date: 2024-10-31
version_n: 6.0.0
witness: Parallels have not been published by Coptic Scriptorium

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Work: urn:cts:copticLit:misc.lament_mary

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