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annotation: Adeline Harrington, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder
author: Shenoute
collection: Borgia Collection
corpus: shenoute.crushed
country: Egypt
document_cts_urn: urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:39-43
entities: checked
identities: checked
idno: IB 5 ff. 80-83
language: Sahidic Coptic
license: CC-BY 4.0
msContents_title_n: 8
msContents_title_type: canons
msItem_title: My Heart Is Crushed
msName: MONB.FL
note: Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Amélineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Some manuscript information added by Schroeder in Naples 2024. Chapter divisions based on paragraph divisions in Anne Boud'hors French translation (IFAO 2013). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.
objectType: codex
order: 05
origDate: between 601 and 800 C.E.
origDate_notAfter: 800
origDate_notBefore: 601
origDate_precision: medium
origPlace: White Monastery
pages_from: 133
pages_to: 140
parsing: automatic
paths_authors: 95
paths_manuscripts: 385
paths_works: 794
people: none
placeName: Atripe
places: none
previous: urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:36-39
project: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM
redundant: yes
repository: Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli
segmentation: automatic
source: Stephen Emmel
source_info: Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel
tagging: automatic
title: My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 133-140 (Amélineau edition)
Trismegistos: none
version_date: 2024-05-06
version_n: 5.0.0
witness: This document has a parallel witness in MONB.XO 115-123 and also a partial parallel in MONB.YE 115-118. Coptic Scriptorium has not published either of those parallels. XO is in Boud'hors edition in Le canon 8 de Chénouté [Cairo: IFAO 2013] The Amélineau edition follows MONB.FL as the primary witness.

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Work: urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed

Text Group: urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute

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