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ANNIS Metadata

annotation: Lance Martin
author: unknown
collection: Oriental Manuscripts
Coptic_edition: Budge, 1914
corpus: life.eustathius.theopiste
country: Egypt
document_cts_urn: urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:1-30
entities: checked
Greek_source: BHG 641
identities: checked
idno: OR. 6783 ff. 1a-12a
language: Sahidic Coptic
license: CC-BY 4.0
msItem_title: The History of Eustathius and Theopiste
msName: MERC.AT
next: urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:31-56
note: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. Our origDates are taken from PAThs. The Coptic is a translation of a now lost Greek version. Three Greek recensions exist, BHG 641 is the closest to the Coptic text.
objectType: codex
order: 01
origDate: 1051
origDate_notAfter: 1100
origDate_notBefore: 1003
origDate_precision: medium
origPlace: St. Mercurius Monastery
pages_from: 01
pages_to: 23
parsing: automatic
paths_manuscripts: 195
paths_works: 273
people: Devil; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); Paul the Apostle; Saint Eustace; Saint Peter; Trajan
placeName: Edfu