Diplomatic Edition


ANNIS Metadata

annotation: Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Elizabeth Davidson
author: anonymous
collection: Borgia Collection
Coptic_edition: Chaîne (1960), p. 30
corpus: apophthegmata.patrum
country: Egypt
document_cts_urn: urn:cts:copticLit:ap.137.monbeg
entities: gold
identities: gold
idno: IB 17 484 f. 26r
language: Sahidic Coptic
license: CC-BY 4.0
msItem_title: Apophthegmata Patrum
msName: MONB.EG
objectType: codex
origPlace: White Monastery
pages_from: 207
pages_to: 207
parsing: gold
paths_manuscripts: 360
paths_works: 443
people: none
placeName: Atripe
places: none
project: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM
redundant: no
repository: Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli
segmentation: gold
tagging: gold
title: Apophthegmata Patrum Sahidic 137: P263
translation: Elizabeth Platte
version_date: 2020-08-31
version_n: 4.0.0

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