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ANNIS Metadata

annotation: Edward O. D. Love, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes
author: unknown
collection: Papyrussammlung
Coptic_edition: KYP T32 and BKU 1 5. See also Beltz AfP 29 (1983), Meyer & Smith (1994), Kropp AKZ (1931)
copyist: unknown
corpus: magical.papyri
country: Egypt
document_cts_urn: urn:cts:copticMag:kyprianos.tm100001.kypt32
entities: checked
identities: checked
idno: P. 8321
kyprianos_manuscripts: KYP M84
kyprianos_texts: KYP T32
language: Sahidic Coptic with Fayumic features
license: CC-BY 4.0
msItem_title: Curse to undo sinews
msName: Berlin P. 8321
note: Complete, some damage to upper left part.
objectType: papyrus
order: 01
origDate: between 651 and 800 C.E.
origDate_notAfter: 0800
origDate_notBefore: 0651
origDate_precision: medium
origPlace: purchased in the Fayum
pages_from: 01
pages_to: 01
parsing: automatic
people: none
placeName: Fayum (?)
places: none
project: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Coptic Magical Papyri
redundant: no
repository: Staatliche Museen Berlin
segmentation: checked
source: KYP T32
tagging: checked
title: Curse to undo sinews
translation: Korshi Dosoo, Edward O. D. Love, Markéta Preininger
Trismegistos: 100001
version_date: 2021-03-31
version_n: 4.1.0
witness: unique

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